Documate vs Notion
Deciding between Notion and Documate? Learn which tool is right for you.
Understand the differences between Documate and Notion and select the perfect fit for your organisation.
We’ve elaborated a detailed overview of both solutions, emphasizing key features and user experience to help you choose. Or give Documate a try and see it for yourself!
Why choose Documate over Notion?
Seamless integration with ServiceNow
As ServiceNow integrates with existing systems within the company, the data present in these tools becomes accessible in ServiceNow.
This, in turn, ensures that the data is readily available in Documate without any additional effort, eliminating the need to create individual integrations with each tool or copy/pasting data manually.
Enhanced data security
ServiceNow security rules (ACLs) will be enforced in your live documentation.
That means, that when you include live data on a page and share it, the other users need access to those records to see it.
When extracting data from other systems, you risk losing control over it, which can lead to data leaks and compliance issues.
Simple access management
Users already exist in ServiceNow and they are available in Documate.
No extra account management is required.
You can share workspaces and pages with them and also mention them.
Easy onboarding
When a member is added to a group in ServiceNow, he will get access automatically to the group’s workspaces.
When he leaves, he loses access.
No extra group management is required.
Documate and Notion compared
Notion is a powerful solution for personal knowledge management and small teams, yet it often feels overwhelming for non-technical people.
Documate is an intuitive solution designed specifically to integrate seamlessly with ServiceNow.
Leverage all the available data in the platform securely, and forget about tedious user management and complex integrations.
Check out how Documate compares to Notion.
Documate | Notion | |
Integration with ServiceNow | ✓ | ✗ |
ServiceNow live data (records, lists, reports) | ✓ | ✗ |
Secured data (Access control list) | ✓ | ✗ |
Real-time collaboration | ✓ | ✓ |
Drag-and-drop editor | ✓ | ✓ |
AI-powered assistant | ✓ | ✓ |
Integration with other apps | ✓ ServiceNow integrations | ✓ Data sync with other systems |
Bottom line
Both tools have their strengths. The optimal choice depends on your requirements and preferences.
Documate is ideal if…
- You need an enterprise-level solution leveraging ServiceNow’s power and reliability.
- You require secure documentation with robust access controls.
- You value ease of use and speed.
Notion might be better if…
- You are looking for a tool for your personal knowledge management only.
- You are a technical person who enjoys building your integrations and isn’t afraid of dealing with complexity.
We trust this guide helps you understand how Documate compares to Notion. Have more questions? Contact us—we’re here to support you!